August 15, 2001
Episode 1: Ill Met in Manhattan

They get together in a bar. Weird people come in. Dimensional Shambler arrives. Big Fight.

Henry Holmes, a roving freelance hacker, is in New York on a consulting job at a large Manhattan software company; Macrowares Inc. Holmes travels across America (no fixed address) on his motorbike. A while back, his experiments in combining the occult with modern technology allowed him to "hack reality", so that he now has "magical" powers of flight, super-strength, and a peculiar force field. Strange, but true.
On the day in question, a bum wakes up in a Manhattan subway station, in a corner mostly used by drunks to urinate. He is a thin, non-decrepit man with short dark brown hair, wearing a tall long coat and shabby sneakers, and with 3$ and 76 cents in his pocket.
The bum has no recollection of who he is or how he got to the station. He has a single thought on his mind: he needs a gun.

They get together in a bar. Weird people come in. Dimensional Shambler arrives. Big Fight.

Posted by Dotan Dimet at August 15, 2001 12:29 AM
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