May 13, 2002
Chapter 1: A Suspension of Disbelief

Mki wakes up in a hospital, terribly weak, wearing pajamas, hooked up to a catheter, dazzled by sunlight. There are bars on the windows, and two other beds in the room. He smells a familiar perfume - he recognizes it as Pauline's perfume. There are two attendants in the room, both medical interns called Pauline and Rolf. Mki tries to get up and Rolf helps him up, to the toilet and then to the common eating room, where he joins four other patients who are having breakfast.
Henry is there, paunchy and dishelved, with a block of wood in the shape of a PDA next to him. So is Egg, helped by an Arab orderly called Hamed. There is an unfamiliar man called John and an unfamiliar girl called Angie.
John is a fit man in his thirties, tanned and bald. He is weary of the fruit and vegetables and attempting to exercise his immense psionic powers, to little effect.
Angie is a very pale twentyish girl with dark hair and eyes. Unlike the others, she is wearing a black gym suit, drinks only water, and demands that the orderlies call her parents.

Confused, they plot their escape, avoid eating anything that might contain drugs (i.e, everything except for eggs and fruit), they try to work out and keep a low profile.

A Dr. Richards visits.
They are given a new, blue pill. Only Angie takes it. They wake up and ambush the orderlies, knocking them out.
They force the door and confront a SWAT-style team coming up. They kill or knock out the squad and taking their clothes, they enter their vehicle and drive off. Pursued by some other vehicles, John manages to cause those cars to crash.

They stop at a gas station / roadside dinner, and Angie hops out to buy some burgers.

Posted by Dotan Dimet at May 13, 2002 10:09 AM
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