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the_story [2008/12/03 18:38]
bo session 16 (fixing header)
the_story [2008/12/23 13:00]
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-The chums end up in Amber, //​**Finally!**//​. But the forces of chaos are at the gate, and Brand is at large with the jewel of Judgement! While Faith deepens his acquaintance with Darlene, Charles goes shopping with Flora, and on returning tries to contact the mysterious Jules, through the true art sketch created by Alice. Jules is distracted, driving, and tries to kill Charles by teleporting away on the highway. Charles survives using his kewl driving skillz, and tries to gather some wealth the easy way - by shadowing it - finding a bag of cash in a dumpster, and gets entangled with the fuzz and the mob, assumes a detective shield and identity, and runs away. He buys a used car, a Dodge Dart, and calls his folks, who tell him that a relative of John has been looking for him. Charles shadow shifts to a place where diamonds are a-plenty and gathers some wealth. On his return he visits John's relative and finds some new trumps belonging to Jack, John's uncle and agent of the Latverian queen. He steals the trumps, leaving some of his found diamonds as a barter and trumps to Jack's House. With the diamond money, he gets an assumed identity - Elvis Cedar(( name first introduced in this buffage )), and buys Jack's house in that name. After he settles down there, he goes and meets Alice and is joined by Faith, just as he discovers a trump of a Memory Rose, which appears and attaches to his hand, making him forget his name.+The chums end up in Amber, //​**Finally!**//​. But the forces of chaos are at the gate, and Brand is at large with the jewel of Judgement! While Faith deepens his acquaintance with Darlene, Charles goes shopping with Flora, and on returning tries to contact the mysterious Jules, through the true art sketch created by Alice. Jules is distracted, driving, and tries to kill Charles by teleporting away on the highway. Charles survives using his kewl driving skillz, and tries to gather some wealth the easy way - by shadowing it - finding a bag of cash in a dumpster, and gets entangled with the fuzz and the mob, assumes a detective shield and identity, and runs away. He buys a used car, a Dodge Dart, and calls his folks, who tell him that a relative of John has been looking for him. Charles shadow shifts to a place where diamonds are a-plenty and gathers some wealth. On his return he visits John's relative and finds some new trumps belonging to Jack, John's uncle and agent of the Latverian queen. He steals the trumps, leaving some of his found diamonds as a barter and trumps to Jack's House. With the diamond money, he gets an assumed identity - Elvis Cedar(( name first introduced in this buffage )), and buys Jack's house in that name. After he settles down there, he goes and meets Alice and is joined by Faith (who spanned all this time drawing a Trump of his on a card), just as he discovers a trump of a Memory Rose, which appears and attaches to his hand, making him forget his name.
 Charles'​ trumps: Charles'​ trumps:
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 ==== Session 16 - Charles Spills the Beans ==== ==== Session 16 - Charles Spills the Beans ====
-Faith sleeps 
-Charles entertains Random, gives him the Floating Stones Trump and tells him too much.+Returning from Tir Na Nog'​th:​ 
 +  * Faith retires to his apartment where he tries to work on Charles'​ trump, but is too tired to make much progress(?​). 
 +  * Faith talks to Fiona over trump (she has gone a considerable amount of time without sleep); he tells her of their guard shift at Tir, and urges her to try a mass-trump contact to snatch Brand. She promises to look into this. 
 +  * Charles visits Faith and tells him about the Black Road coming to Latveria after he dropped his strangle-cord/​auto-whip thingie there. 
 +They sleep until noon, and then come down to the dining hall: 
 +  * They talk to Caine, and to Darlene. 
 +  * They talk to Random, who asks Faith why Fiona tricked him into thinking Faith was his son, Martin. 
 +  * A family convocation is announced. 
 +At the family convocation (meeting in the library): 
 +  * All available Princes and Princesses are gathered. 
 +  * Family members show up, one by one (some were already there). 
 +  * Eric and retinue show up. 
 +  * Gerhard trumps in Corwin and Benedict. There is much consternation - or at least tension. 
 +  * Charles questions the voting process of the Amber monarch, which makes everyone cough.  
 +  * Charles talks about meeting Oberon. 
 +  * Charles pockets an Amber deck - or at least an Oberon trump. 
 +  * Fiona shows up. 
 +  * Eric explains that Fiona gathered them all to try to crowd-trump Brand. 
 +  * Everyone, Princes and Heroes, pulls out their Brand trump and everyone tries to contact him. Faith uses the Black Road trump of Brand he drew in Tir (while trying to draw Charles). 
 +  * Fiona gets a nibble, everyone crowds around her, Brand is pulled through and falls to the ground, stabbed by a dagger (in this very room, or before being brought in). 
 +  * Gerhard clears the room and tends to Brand, blaming everyone and anyone for the stabbing. 
 +  * Outside, Eric confers with Benedict and announces that Benedict will question everyone in turn, to determine who stabbed Brand. In the meanwhile, no one is to leave the castle. 
 +Charles and Faith retire to their apartments:​ 
 +  * Faith sleeps 
 +  * Charles entertains Random, gives him the Floating Stones Trump and tells him too much
 +    * Random visits Charles, ostensibly to collect any trumps he might use to leave the castle.  
 +    * Charles shows Random the trump of the castle of rotating rocks, which Random recognizes. Charles tells Random that he rescued Oberon from there. Random tells Charles how a while back he had a faint trump contact from Brand, and followed it to that same castle. He was unable to enter it, though, and instead escaped, pursued all the way to Shadow Earth by its guardians. 
 +    * Random hooks Charles up with some hash (Amber Gold) and his trump. 
 +  * Charles is Questioned by Benedict 
 +    * Charles tells him about rescuing Oberon. 
 +    * Charles tells the whole story to Benedict ("I trust him, I dunno why") and might have insinuated that Fiona'​s people are responsible for locking up Oberon. 
 +    * Benedict talks to Charles about his ally in Chaos (Merlin) and the war. 
 +  * After his interview with Benedict, Charles returns to his apartment and tries to contact Merlin using the trump he got from Faith. Merlin is riding hard on his Lemch, possibly pursued. Charles pulls him through by trump and Merlin collapses in his arms, bruised and wounded: "​Welcome to Amber"​. 
 +==== Session 17 - When the going gets tough, the tough get outta here ==== 
 +Charles asks a servant to get some food for Merlin and himself, and to summon Random to his chamber for help; Random arrives, freaks over Merlin'​s presence, and over Charles'​ notion of discreetly trumping Merlin away. Faith shows up, after an interview with Benedict where he learned that Charles spilled the beans. He urges Charles to listen to Random. 
 +There is a commotion outside, Charles and Faith go to check it out, leaving Random in charge of Merlin. It is Corwin and Eric, crossing swords. The fight is broken up by Deirdre and Flora, but when they return to Charles'​ apartment, they find that Random had stepped out and Merlin has vanished. Just then their Steaks show up, along with Caine. Once they get rid of Caine, Charles accuses Random of negligence. They search for Merlin, but when they can't find him, they decide to ditch Amber. There is some commotion as they gather their stuff and depart. 
 +They go to Latveria, and see that the Black Road is expanding across the dungeons. Talking to his father the king, Faith learns that creatures from the Black Road (Rock Trolls) have been emerging from the dungeons, attacking and carrying off people. Charles meets the lady Giselle again. Faith resolves to go and make peace with Duke Weiland. 
 +Setting off for Weiland'​s camp with Donar, the queen'​s faithful retainer, they set up camp for the night. Charles decides to trump to his safehouse in Charlotsville,​ and from there he drives with Faith to his alter-ego'​s LA mansion. Charles talks to his parents and checks on his roommates. Faith draws [[Art|trumps]]. 
 +In LA, Charles notices a cup, which Merlin drank from in Amber, standing on the mantelpiece. He tries to contact Merlin again, but doesn'​t succeed. He leaves a trump of himself (drawn by Faith) in a box under the cup, for Merlin to find. 
 +==== Session 18 - Here's to Treachery ==== 
 +* As they chill in Charles'​ LA mansion (or rather, warm their bones in his hot tub), the door rings, and two cop-looking persons enter and begin asking threatening questions. We also christen Charles'​ LA room mates Brandy, Monica, and what'​s-her-name (or did we? Maybe they are all called Katana). Charles and Faith demand to see the police badges of the intruders, and they respond by starting a fight, pulling guns and later morphing into monstrous forms 
-Random hooks Charles up with some hash (Amber Gold) and his trump. 
-All available Princes and Princesses are gathered. 
-Charles questions the voting process of the Amber monarch, which makes everyone cough. 
-All the princes, plus our heroes Crowd Trump Brand, and manage to pull him through, stabbed by a dagger (in this very room, or before being brought in). 
-Gerard keeps guard on the dropped Brand, blaming everyone. 
-Charles tells the whole story to Benedict ("I trust him, I dunno why") and might have insinuated that Fiona'​s people are responsible for locking up Oberon. 
the_story.txt · Last modified: 2009/01/14 15:04 by dotan