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Here our games

A while ago we used to play the games linked to here, but we should really merge that page with this one. Then we played Shadow of my Cat, then we played Gods & Guardians, then we played Triple Mystery, and then we played Art and Consequences an Amber game, which concluded on June 22nd, 2009. We then played Mage:The Ascension (very little wiki documentation ;-() until April 1st, 2010.

We then played like 12 or so levels of D&D4E before a D(i)M meltdown lead us to try Apocalypse World for like 3-4 sessions, but the third-person-self-referring GM was indeed burned out. Some games are located here as well.

So, we are now back to doing Supes, in the fabled and fabulous Our PCs: first campaign!

front.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/20 20:11 by israel