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the_story [2008/12/11 02:07]
israel Here I drew The Fool
the_story [2009/01/14 13:49]
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 +==== Session 17 - When the going gets tough, the tough get outta here ====
 +Charles asks a servant to get some food for Merlin and himself, and to summon Random to his chamber for help; Random arrives, freaks over Merlin'​s presence, and over Charles'​ notion of discreetly trumping Merlin away. Faith shows up, after an interview with Benedict where he learned that Charles spilled the beans. He urges Charles to listen to Random.
 +There is a commotion outside, Charles and Faith go to check it out, leaving Random in charge of Merlin. It is Corwin and Eric, crossing swords. The fight is broken up by Deirdre and Flora, but when they return to Charles'​ apartment, they find that Random had stepped out and Merlin has vanished. Just then their Steaks show up, along with Caine. Once they get rid of Caine, Charles accuses Random of negligence. They search for Merlin, but when they can't find him, they decide to ditch Amber. There is some commotion as they gather their stuff and depart.
 +They go to Latveria, and see that the Black Road is expanding across the dungeons. Talking to his father the king, Faith learns that creatures from the Black Road (Rock Trolls) have been emerging from the dungeons, attacking and carrying off people. Charles meets the lady Giselle again. Faith resolves to go and make peace with Duke Weiland.
 +Setting off for Weiland'​s camp with Donar, the queen'​s faithful retainer, they set up camp for the night. Charles decides to trump to his safehouse in Charlotsville,​ and from there he drives with Faith to his alter-ego'​s LA mansion. Charles talks to his parents and checks on his roommates. Faith draws [[Art|trumps]].
 +In LA, Charles notices a cup, which Merlin drank from in Amber, standing on the mantelpiece. He tries to contact Merlin again, but doesn'​t succeed. He leaves a trump of himself (drawn by Faith) in a box under the cup, for Merlin to find.
 +==== Session 18 - Here's to Treachery ====
 +As they chill in Charles'​ LA mansion (or rather, warm their bones in his hot tub), the door rings, and two cop-looking persons enter and begin asking threatening questions. We also christen Charles'​ LA room mates Brandy, Monica, and what'​s-her-name (or did we? Maybe they are all called Katana). Charles and Faith demand to see the police badges of the intruders, and they respond by starting a fight, pulling guns and later morphing into monstrous forms. ​
 +There is Fight. Faith gets poisoned by chaos venom and draws a bizarre wall painting of a dragon and a unicorn. One of Charles'​ roomies gets mauled.
 +They get to Latveria via Duke Weiland'​s trump. They ally with Weiland and his wizard, Arnulf, and head back to the Palace. On the way they pick up Donar and Gunther and learn that time is moving much faster in Latveria than it used to.
 +They have bread with the king.
 +They go down into the dungeons and there is a big fight with a rock troll. Charles kills it but loses his hand. He finds a crystal in the remains of the troll (aka, the **Jewel of Bad Judgement**).
 +Faith goes up the northern tower into the sealed study of the [[Fiona|queen]],​ to study ancient and forbidden texts.
 +Giselle comforts Charles.
 +There is a hue and cry: The King has been Murdered!
 +==== Session 19 - Long Live the King ====
 +The King's murder is investigated,​ and Faith assumes the crown.
 +Charles takes the wine glasses of the barons to forensic examination on Earth.
 +Charles is contacted by Benedict, who asks about his plans.
 +Faith summons the ghost of his father to ask about the murder.
 +Arnulf detects some ley-line anomaly, indicating the Black Road is reaching towards the base of the northern tower.
 +Below the north tower, our heroes and their retinue find a familiar staircase and door (like those leading to the pattern in Tir and Rebma). The door is unlocked by an application of Charles'​ blood.
 +Beyond the door is a huge cave, which Faith and Charles enter alone.
 +They encounter a dragon, whose breath burns off their hair, clothes and gear (revealing Faith is a redhead, and sealing Charles'​ trump case).
 +Beyond the dragon, they find a strange new pattern drawn on the cave floor.
 +==== Session 20 - Pattern Says No ====
 +They examine the Pattern (Charles wants to walk it) and see it is made up of 3 distinct lines, each in a different style. The pattern is drawn in faint lines, like slowly moving magma beneath the glassy stone floor. When Charles attempts to step on the Pattern, he encounters extraordinary resistance, and is unable to do so.
 +Charles rolls the Jewel of Misjudgement across the Pattern; it has been vibrating excitedly since drawing near the design, and bounces up and down as it crosses the design, eventually jumping up and exploding, but freezing in mid explosion, a burst of crystal fragments frozen over the pattern.
 +They leave, go back to their rooms. Faith has a long talk with Fiona, who gives him a black rose and instructs him to use it to erase Charles'​ memory of the Latverian Pattern. Charles practices one-armed swordsman technique. He grows suspicious of Gunther, who seems to be moving differently.
 +Faith summons Charles to him, and asks him to put on the black rose to edit his memory; Charles refuses.
 +Charles goes to Charlottesville and sets a meeting with Merlin in LA.
 +Faith buries his father, and prepares to use mirrors to fight the rock trolls in the dark road.
 +Charles is ambushed in LA by Jules, with a roomie as a hostage, while holding Merlin'​s trump in his hand and trying to contact his son.
 +Faith is ambushed in his rooms by himself.
 +==== Session 21 - Unarmed Combat ====
 +Shootout between Charles and Jules ends badly.
 +Faith'​s double tries to stab him, fails and escapes in the ensuing panic.
 +Charles wakes up on a beach, with roving squid. He is bound in chains and his arm had been maimed, but he's not tied down. Jules is there, looking distracted, and starts to shapeshift into Oberon. Charles ignores him and walks off into shadow. Jules follows, claiming to be an amnesiac Oberon, and tries to talk to Charles. Charles ignores him and keeps shadow-shifting towards Earth. Jules walks away. With Charles'​ trumps and stuff.
 +==== Session 22 - The Good Uncle ====
the_story.txt ยท Last modified: 2009/01/14 15:04 by dotan