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Yes We Can

A History of Mad Science in America

20 years before

The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters

Before MJ & the twins are conceived/born

  1. Thatcher A scientist with a dark secret and a failed project
  2. His Assistant A young scientist in a dangerous relationship
  3. Jenkins A gentle botanist desperate to save his wife from cancer
  4. Slade We can build a better world, if we get the superpowers

2 years before

Pivot on the Playa

The SecuGene pivot – Slade industries buys Slimgene

  1. Elay Thorke Playing the long game
  2. Winona Slade I will destroy my father's company by making it NASA.
  3. ““Juan Carter**, The Investor: “Build me a Lizard”

1 year before

Silently and Very Fast

The AI singularity

5 years before

10 years before

The Assassination of Winston Slade

Last Time Man Got Off a Helicopter In Such Style

= The Assassins =

  1. Ray Trank
  2. Jeff “Papa Bear”
  3. Garret
couchpotatoes/timeline.1469393187.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/24 23:46 by dotan