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Thomas Stone of Snakewood, bastard of Lord Justine Lynderly and She Who Must Not Be Mentioned.

…This is Lechko's responsibility…

Inspirations for Thomas Stone:

Thomas' life was always full of discovery and adventure. Everything interests him, usually at once. Every new thing learned leads to a dozen new things to discover, and all of Snakewood Castle was his childhood playground. Maester's tower was his fist favourite place; he learned to read by watching Maester read and write when he was three. The Smithy was an excellent place to build things until he got his own workshop; the Smith's son Bear served both as an assistant and a friend for Thomas since they could walk.

Early childhood was carefree and uneventful - other children, brothers and sister were there to play with; all his physical needs were taken care of; Father was a distant and awe-inspiring deity. Thomas saw Septa Rowena as a mother figure of sorts: a mind-mannered elderly woman who liked cats and children, worshipped the Seven with child-like awe and operated a soup kitchen for the poor every Mothersday. She took care of him, never understanding the strange child who sat down and read all of her holy books in a week.

Thomas did not mind. He loved Rowena even as he became painfully aware of her inability to comprehend him. Like Bear, she was a relatively uncomplicated being - graceful and fascinating in function and design, warm and loving and blissfully oblivious.

iceandfire/thomas_stone.1243284701.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/05/22 07:29 (external edit)