Blather Comics

Goddamn Userpic

Boojie has complained, justifiably, that the more current images I’ve started to use as my user pic in livejournal (instead of the old one) are a bit scary.

Sadly, I think the problem stems more from my haggard old face of recent years than from my poor arm-distance photography.

To get a cuddly-looking image, I had to go back a bit, and because the material demanded it, I made a Frank Miller tribute:

Goddamn Batman

1 reply on “Goddamn Userpic”

Dude, trust me on this one – you still as cuddly as hell. In real life, even.

And I reckon it’s not your arm-distance photography either. Judging by the synchronous blog entries, it’s your mood when you take the pics.

But hey, striking terror. Best part of the job.

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