BlogTalk short

Avner on Bowie

AvnEr has good things to say about David Bowie’s latest album, Heathen.

Science Fiction and Fantasy

Feedback on Meimad #16

Comments on the ORT SF Forum about the last issue of the Meimad (“The Tenth Dimension”), the SF&F magazine I edit.

Software and Programming

Simon Montagu has a blog

Al Ha VeDa is the blog of Simon Montagu, Netscape’s current BiDi/Hebrew expert. He used to work for IBM (in the team that implemented BiDi in Mozilla), and then moved to Netscape – a move several of the more active independant contributors did. Apropos of this(?), he writes:

Getting through an interview requires basic social skills. This makes open source projects the natural home of the folks who write really cool code but also happen to be total dorks.

The link to Simon’s blog comes from Ian Hixie, who has a account of his heroic struggle with the Hebrew numbering system.

Software and Programming

Abiword and Hebrew Word Processors

The latest version of AbiWord supports BiDi (Hebrew and potentially Arabic) text editing!

Unfortunately, Word docs opened up with it look weird (neutral character get shoved to the start of the line), and it doesn’t seem to be easy to work in.

Good start, though. Looks like the open source Hebrew word processor scene is heating up, with both this ASbiword development and with the Israeli Finance Ministry’s announced support for an IBM intiative to add Hebrew capabilities to Openoffice.

Software and Programming

Text pipes

Crystal Software make an interesting app called TextPipe Pro, which tries to bring the power of UNIX text filters to a Windows GUI. They have a bunch of other products which expand the text manipulation from working just with text (in files or in the clipboard) to working with mail attachments, Word documents and databases.