Software and Programming

XUL Periodic Table

XUL Periodic Table (Mozilla browsers only) is an exhaustive demonstration (with source code) of Mozilla’s GUI widgets. (via this guy.)

Software and Programming

The Perl Email Project

Daring Fireball: The Perl Email Project is a heads-up about an attempt to write a better and more usable library for working with e-mail in Perl. See also The Evolution of Perl Email Handling by Simon Cozens, who co-wrote this library.


The Warren Ellis Drinking Game!

Behind an awful Delphi forums register screen lurks The Warren Ellis Drinking Game! Shame, because it’s damn funny (OK, by the 20th or 30th message the thread drifts into a boring discussion about Garth Ennis and homophobia in Preacher).

Software and Programming

Rich Text Editing in WordPress

Look, WYSIWYG HTML Editing in WordPress (using HTMLArea). Also, here’s someone explaining how to hack HTMLArea to produce <em> and <strong> tags instead of <i> and <b> (or rather, instead of Mozilla’s annoying <span style="…"> tags).

short Software and Programming

HOWTO migrate from blosxom to wordpress

Marc Nozell’s mini-blog: HOWTO migrate from blosxom to wordpress