
Hebrew Blogging

לבועז יש בלוג שמבוסס על מערכת בשם bl0g שכתבו שני בחורים ישראלים ושנראת מגניבה למדי.
אני עובד על בלוג לסוזי, והבנתי שאני צריך להוסיף ל-WordPress אפשרות להוסיף קוד ליישור עברית בכיוון הנכון לסרגל.
האמת שהסרגל של WordPress מאוד קריפטי ועלום, ונידמה לי שצריך לכתוב לה tutorial שלם.
וכן, אני מנסה לערבב את האנגלית בעברית כדי לבדוק שהכל עובד.
Science Fiction and Fantasy

His Dark Pie

The Independent: Tom Stoppard dumped as ‘gross-out’ director takes over ‘Dark Materials’ [ via Kinnblog ].
Just posting this to alarm people… I bought the whole Pullman trilogy on Friday, guess I’d better read it before this damn thing goes into production.


Default Options

For straight people, there’s a default life laid out: get an education, find a job, get married, have some kids and raise a family. By that time you’re 50, with another two or three decades to kill, worn out and ready for some peace, fat, complacent. You run out the clock.

For gay people, there’s no default life. The existential problem is more urgent. Marriage and kids are not an available option.

The above is from a blog post that Joe Clark linked to with the text Heterosexualist Christian does BlogJamDC. What happened is that a fan of Andrew Sullivan (a gay Catholic right-wing blogger that, coincidentally, Yossi Gurvitz rather likes) attended an event that Sullivan promoted on his blog, except that instead of being the political blogger event he expected, it turned out to be a gay blogger event.

I thought that his observations echo what I thought and felt when I first ran across a gay cultural event. In my case it was an evening of texts by gay writers called יש לו דרכים משלו, that was put together by an editor I worked with at the time, Yair Kedar. When they took the production to the Edinbrough festival, a friend of mine joined as one of the three actors presenting the texts, and when we met he confirmed to me that he was gay, and I told him that I was dating Suzie, because this made me feel an odd kinship with him.

Because I felt we had both put aside the default life.
But, bullshit.

Turns out that my friend (well, former friend – we aren’t in touch) had his eye on the default life. He got married (big wedding) and had a kid. OK, he’s divorced now, but so are lots of dads.

In retrospect, I realize that was bloody arrogance on my part – gay people are forced to give up the default life without any choice or ability to negate this (although my friend proved otherwise), while I was just a dilettante, taking what amounts to a self-indulgent vacation from the mapped-out path.

I submit that if I’d stayed with Suzie for the rest of my life (like John Brunner living from his twenties until his old age with a woman twenty years older), I would have abdicated from the default life. But, see, we broke up, and I didn’t.

I recall hanging around at friends’ weddings, seeing my peers with kids, feeling like a bloody romantic outsider, destined to walk a different path.
Turns out I was just a fucking tourist.

Software and Programming

Thinking in Hebrew

Joel Spolsky:

No matter how debunked Whorf is, I’m still convinced that Israelis are more likely to do things דווקא, simply because they have a word for it. And I have been forced to write entire essays simply because I cannot find any other way to convey to English speakers the difference between ראש גדול and ראש קטן.

Yes, stupid linkage. I found this amusing, although irritating, because saying “be ראש גדול” is a bit like saying “be good at what you do” or more correctly “care about what you do” – just because we have a word for it doesn’t mean we have any idea how to achieve it.


Who killed Cock Robin?

Apparently, the nursery rhyme I knew as Who killed Cock Robin? is just the last part of a much longer poem called The Death of Cock Robin. Reading that animal fable of love, marriage and violent death, I actually understood how and why the Robin was shot. That sparrow (with his bow and arrow) was apparently not the villain I had thought him to be.
And poor Jenny Wren!
For some reason, the thing reminds me a bit of the Death of Baldur.
(I was reminded of the Cock Robin poem by listening to Bauhaus’ Who Killed Mister Moonlight? I feel silly explaining this.)