Software and Programming

Munging for Mundanes

Data Munging for Non-Programming Biologists, an article by Amir Karger and Eitan Rubin at, describes another attempt at finding a general solution to those thousand cuts of doom that keep stinging any hacker [*] down the hall from a non-programmer, whether he’s a scientist or a marketing guy. There’s all this data (DNA sequences, patent numbers, customer e-mails you need to spam…), and it just needs to be filtered a bit, sorted, re-arranged, combined with this other data in this file here… sure, you can do it by hand, and plenty of non-programmers do. Or they try to use Excel (which isn’t bad, really), or Access, or they ask the programmer for help and he hesitates between doing some cunning one-liner (in Perl or a chain of clever Unix commands), writing a script he’ll only use once (OK, twice, because this is great, but, says the non-programmer, I just need one more change…), or wishing the non-programmer would, well, learn programming.

Krager built what he calls the scriptome, a sort of wizard or cookbook for assembling “protocols” for transforming data out of smaller operations (“atoms”), which the non-programmer is supposed to cut and paste into a command window. The comments mention a tool called Sprog, a GUI program that tries to do something similar.

Somehow, I can’t help but feel there’s some conceptual barrier here that is keeping programmers back from finding a really clever general solution for this problem. Or maybe it’s just this mirage that keeps slipping through our fingers, the idea of making what’s simple to a programmer so trivial it can be simple to a non-programmer too.

* – ok, when I say “any hacker”, I mean “me”. Because I’m a sucker for helping with stupid tasks which let me procrastrinate on my actual work, and because my absurd faith in reason makes me believe that spending a silly amount of time automating something is superior to solving it with a few (OK, 132) copy-paste actions.


Hey! It’s Kate Bush!

Oh! There’s a new Kate Bush album out, the first one in twelve years! And, thanks to (starts with a B and ends when you stop seeding), I’m listening to it. It’s sort of what you’d expect.

I got hit by Never For Ever at – what? 12? 13? – and fell in love. First “album” I sat down and listened to that wasn’t a kids’ record (yeah, see, in the pre-video era, they… nevermind). I learned how to turn on a phonograph and change over a record for this woman. She 0wnz0red my adolesence.
This is nice. But I miss that big cardboard programme (why they called them albums) with the lyrics and obscure thank-yous and the notice that this recording was meant to be played loud.



I got home, the door didn’t open proper with my key, I twisted it this way and that. For a second I’m worried that the stupid door stopped working and that I’m locked out, but eventually I work it open. Inside the cupboard drawer in the hall is out of place, the venetian mask that was in the drawer is on the floor, the window in the bathroom is open wide. Wind? No, fuck, my apartment’s been burgled! But –
Things seem to be mostly in place. The bed room (did I leave the duvet crooked like that?) The same mess on the living room table, the TV is still there (of course it’s still there, the thing weighs a ton and is as manueverable as an ocean liner, the computer is there… Ah, computer…
I call my mom and tell her, silly me, I thought someone broke into my apartment! We talk, and then I go and make myself something to eat, take stuff from the fridge, cook my omelette, put it on a plate, come to eat it.
There’s something odd about the living room table. The big thick book I keep my laptop on is there, but where is…?


Laptop gone, its power supply and cable gone, and, right next to the computer where I sat, crap shoved aside so someone can steal my laptop carrying briefcase. Fuckfuckfuck. So, wait, did they turn things over looking for cash? That pair of socks jammed in the drawer, did I do that or…? I panic, but turns out that cash (Amuta money!) is still there.

So just the laptop. Which I was growing fond of again, after abandoning it for a while for the flashy new (but thankfuly heavy) desktop computer. With my half-munched, half-regurgitated story, and a half-written incoherent blog post, and a lot of chunks of my life.

And, you know, that sense of security you lose when the place you live is violated by a stranger.


Updated: OK, I am a moron. My portable hard drive (“the library card”) is also gone. And the Motorola 3G phone/PDA my dad got off an Egyptian that brought it from Germany, which I never used because it’s too battery-hungry and clunky, and which gathered dust in my bag as recently as ICon where I flashed it before Ophir’s eyes, but which apparently I was stupid enough to take out since then. Damn.


Sick Puppy

Yesterday I got hit by one of those fast stomach viruses – I think it must be the third time this has happened. I come home feeling a bit queasy, and the next thing I know I’m feverish, hullicinating an In Nomine campaign set in Jerusalem (this is basically my brain throwing up bits I read at the onset of my fever). It gets more fun later on. Highlights included waking up at 4AM and forcing myself to vomit (awful, but I felt a lot better after that), and an incident of losing bowel control.
I stayed home today, and it looks like my fever is gone and I’m pretty much OK (it was over more or less before I bought medicine). Learned that I missed out on being handed some annoying task at work. Slept in the afternoon, only to be woken twice by the phone. The first call was some mother looking for a D&D activity for her kid, in the Hod HaSharon area. She found my phone number on the Internet. Don’t I organize stuff like that? Isn’t there an Amuta that is responsible for doing this? After some semi-coherent mumblings she understood I can’t really help her.
The second call was my brother (the other one), who wanted to tell me his hilarious idea for a TV show (“It’s ‘Curb your enthusiasm‘ meets ‘The Justice League‘!”). Woke up and spent the evening watching Neverwhere, which seems oddly appropriate for this twilight day of false time.

There. Was that worth blogging? I suspect not. But what really is?