Blather short

The Wrong Trouser Leg of Time

Charlie Stross:Can I have the real twenty-first century back now, please? I don’t want this one; it stinks and bits keep falling off it.


Explicitness is an act of violence

Esther Dyson and David Weinberger discuss the goodness of ambiguity in social contexts. The emphasis are mine this time:

ED: Ethics! Yes, it’s the most interesting question left [after technology, strategy, policy]. Without ambiguity, there is no free will.

DW: Explicitness is an act of violence. You think it’s archeological: You take something and dust it off, but in fact explicitness reduces things; it destroys. ….That’s why groups stay away from constitution writing.

ED: But they don’t stay away from constitution-writing. It’s more like moths to a flame. They can’t stop it. But they can’t handle the explicitness. It’s like pre-nuptial agreements.


Abandon Hope

As an M.Sc. drop-out, I can appreciate the dire warnings in Dorothea Salo’s Straight Talk about Graduate School. Yeah, I went in with no idea what on earth I was doing, and lost enthusiasm pretty quickly (the really long University strike, which gave me a chance to complete my B.Sc., got me out of the habit of attending classes). Calling it quits came after months of denial, and a semester studying teaching, and other silliness, and I still feel the ache in the stump of the paw I chewed off to get out of that trap. Whenever I hear something cool about Biology (Molecular, Behavioral, whatever), I think Yeah, cool, Biology. I gave that up.


The Countess

The Countess read The Invisibles, The Countess visits the Doctor.



Insulting people on your web-site is an infamous way of attracting readers: there are plenty of blogs I’d never see if they hadn’t pissed off Dave Winer, for example.

Well, I’ve done it again. I am become a Troll with my own URL. Troll with a blog, would that be a Trog?

Someone who trolls someone else’s blog isn’t a trog, he’s a wiener boy (as in a person who badmouths Dave Winer on his own blog’s discussion forums).