
Harvey Pekar is dead

Harvey Pekar died yesterday. Obituary by R. Fiore at the Comics Journal blog.

My brother once sent Pekar a comic he drew, inspired by reading an article of his in the Comics Journal. I remember he drew me in one panel, when he’s telling me how critical Pekar is of Alan Moore, and I reply, slack-faced: “but Alan Moore is God”.


Shang Chi, Master Of Kung Fu goes on a date

shang chi puts on a recordPlaying around with bing image search, which kicks google image search in the nads and steals its lunch money, I ran across another one of those wonderful comics blogs that posts scans of comics pages long engraved in my id. The blog has a bunch of posts about the old Marvel Master of Kung Fu comic, including this one: Shang Chi, Master Of Kung Fu F.A.Q.

It doesn’t really explain Shang Chi (the “get this, bro” pitch is “the son of Fu Manchu, but Bruce Lee, but James Bond!“), but it highlights how writer Doug Moench tried to add characterization by giving Shang Chi and his supporting cast (MoKF had a terrific supporting cast, mostly a bunch of aging British spies…) all sorts of enthusiasms. Like, Shang Chi and his super-spy girlfriend Leiko Wu go to see Close Encounters of the Third Kind and argue about Star Wars; they enjoy listening to Fleetwood Mac (heck, this is the comic that got me to listen to my parents’ tape casette of Rumors), Black Jack Tarr likes Frank Bloody Frazetta (and who can blame him?)

In retrospect, it feels false, because it’s so clear that the characters are just into whatever the writer was into at the time. But at the time I read this, it felt quite innovative. You saw stuff like that later in Chris Claremont’s X-Men and elsewhere, current culture referenced in the comic, but with Shang Chi, it felt like he really lingered on those moments, those interests – perhaps because Moench wrote a very introspective character, who seemed to spend pages just chilling and thinking about life and stuff, like what do those Fleetwood Mac lyrics all mean, before the inevitable assassins would show up to have their faces kicked.


‘I’m The Internet…’

‘I’m The Internet…’I bring pornographic pictures… and the opinions of angry children!.
Via LinkMachineGo. Alan Moore tells this joke here.


Victorian french woman fights mummies, pterodactyls

Now, if you’re going to do a Steampunk movie about a comic book character, it might help if you were French: The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec (Trailer with English subtitles).


Jonah Hex trailer

Yesterday I fall on my face, today I see the Jonah Hex trailer. How appropriate.

via Chris Sims, who also has a (negative) review of the movie – an attempt at a dumber remake of Wild Wild West, he calls it. The trailer does look movie comic-bookish, which is not a good thing for Hex.

PS for Bo and I: Note how they totally ripped off Bandana’s move from like session 4 of Empire of Doors (undocumented, but involved horse-mounted heavy weapons).