
The infamous 15Meg image of the post September 11th World Trade Center site, aka wtc-photo.jpg, has been found here, or more specifically here (warning – will make your browser throw up and die, after eating up all your virtual memory and slowing your PC to a crippled snail’s crawl – at least if your PC is as puny as mine).

Resources short

Paris Catacombs

Catacombes et Carričres de Paris includes a virtual tour (with clickable maps and photos) of the Paris catacombs (another link from the aforementioned Underworld thread).


The Guild Rocks

The Guild is an online address book (email, phones) for Israeli roleplayers, and it rocks. Part of it is thanks to Ori Folger, for programming the thing, but what makes it really good is that people use it.


Mythology links

First, from a Cthulhu FAQ, I found a link to a Sumerian Mythology FAQ, which is part of this guy’s pages, which includes a large subsection on Myths and Legends (comprehensive links page, mirrored here), which mentions that Frazer’s The Golden Bough is online.

Resources short


Images That Still Don’t Suck, an archiver of images posted to usenet. Found this while looking for Pinky and the Brain pics.