short Software and Programming

How to connect MySQL to

How to connect MySQL to Access. Useful to have.

short Software and Programming

This is cute – Perl

This is cute – Perl 6 design suggestions, short and to the point: We’ve got a golden opportunity here to turn Perl into whatever on earth we like. Let’s not take it.

short Software and Programming

CLISource, a site for the

CLISource, a site for the UNIX Command Line Interface, set up by the same guy that did the fascinating XMLTerm doodad.

Software and Programming

Bi-Di is now supported in

Bi-Di is now supported in Mozilla Nightly Builds!

Hmm, the handy semi-wysiwyg controls in the Radio UserLand weblog edit box don’t appear in IE6.

Software and Programming

Spring in Cambridge (Joel Spolsky)

Spring in Cambridge: Joel Spolsky, an excellent and eloquent programmer/writer, writes about an unique web personality, Philip Greenspun [Joel on Software]