Software and Programming

Save My Settings

Office 2000 Save My Settings Wizard – can it smother Clippie in the crib, please?


Road to Nowhere

Cities of North Alaska: Kotzebue,
Barrow. Interestingly, both of them are “damp” towns, meaning you can bring in your own alcohol, but you can’t sell it.

Also interesting is how so many of the buildings in Kotzebue seem to be prefabricated.


Batman: Dead End

How would a Fan film look like if made by Hollywood pros? Damn impressive, that’s how: Batman: Dead End (thanks to Oren Henkin for the link).

Science Fiction and Fantasy


An article (in Hebrew) about Grendizer, a giant robot anime that I used to watch on Jordanian TV in the 70s or early 80s, at the site of the Israeli society for Science Fiction & Fantasy. This was a really cool show. Too bad it wasn’t a hit in the US, and so seems to have fallen into obscurity. Except on the Internet: Here’s a page on an Italian site (in English) about the show, called UFO Robot Grendizer and a Canadian site by someone who show the show in French, under the title Goldorak.



The Automated Online Role-Player – It’s indistinguishable from live humans! [ – PlanetFargo, via sidesh0w ]

My robot was programmed and ready to go. Hell, if I programmed it to randomly shout “Gimmie buffs!” it would probably pass the turing test. Satisfied, I sat it in front of the keyboard, made sure my character had at least fifty melons in his backpack, and then trudged off to leave it alone for the night.