
The Ending of the Watchmen movie

Zack Snyder’s revelation that the ending of the Watchmen movie will omit the extradimensional cephalophod of the comics has inspired an internet backlash

Zack Snyder‘s revelation that the ending of the Watchmen movie will omit the extradimensional cephalophod of the comics has inspired an <airquotes>internet backlash</airquotes>:

save the squid, destroy New York

[via LMG, I think].

Reading the interview in the first link I think they’ve actually got a more elegant ending than the one in the graphic novel. Certainly better than Sam Hamm’s solution (repeat after me: Time Travel is never the answer).

And I like the trailer better, after repeated viewings. It’s easy to be pessimistic and cynical, but let’s not forget that Zack Snyder is second only to Robert Rodriguez in realizing a comic creator’s artistic vision faithfully on film.


4 replies on “The Ending of the Watchmen movie”

if you think the ending of one of Time magazine’s top 100 novels was bad and needed improving then you obviously didn’t understand the story. So you’re saying Hollywood suits have more writing talent than Alan Moore, who is critically acclaimed for virtually all his books. That makes you a moron.

oh and by the way “elegant.” Really? That’s the word you want to you use? That defeats the whole purpose of the ending which is suppose to horrify you, idiot.

lol re: above 2 comments.
dude, u messed with the wrong raging hordes :)

(BTW, your preview shows my gravatar while the actual comment does not, in case u were wondering)

My point is our cast in iron childhood stories are finally getting a big-budgeted and hopefully kewl make, and some snotty kids will worship Moore more blindly than we used to do.
lol lol wtf wtf lol
Wheres a sock puppet when u need one.

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