
Cool Mozilla stuff: Netscape 6

Cool Mozilla stuff: Netscape 6 is out, with cool themes. A BiDi build of Mozilla is now online (link courtesy of Ori Folger).

And for something cool being built on top of Mozilla, look at
ActiveState’s Komodo preview.

So why am I posting this from Internet Explorer?
Well, I haven’t had much luck using Blogger with Mozilla/Netscape.


I should check this link

I should check this link more often – Comics news, including the same Grant Morrison as Alan Moore photo I linked to this weekend, and an Alan Moore interview I was unaware of. Alan Moore is God (as I say in one of my brother’s comic strips).

One sad thing about the Interview is that here’s a guy who (I guess) is so young he’s never seen MarvelMan/Miracleman. For all the trouble Moore’s had with DC, at least they keep his work in print.


I was “handed the black

I was “handed the black spot” by the 7th Sea group, so all my research is in vain (unless I run my own 17th Century game, which might be interesting).

From the links below, I think the Descartes entry is the most interesting – not (only) for his philosophy (although the bit about the Pineal gland being the abode of the soul is fascinating), but also for his life and the people he ran across – plenty of stories to be found in the cracks.

General short

Someone has codified my metaphysical

Someone has codified my metaphysical beliefs into an atheistic religion (link from Jeff Dee’s page).


The (still ugly, but filled

The (still ugly, but filled with potential) Grant Morrison website has a photo of Morisson as Alan Moore.

Also, evil people are spoofing I didn’t know you could do that, but apparently all this DNS stuff is putty in someone’s hand.