
Hey, here’s an essay by

Hey, here’s an essay by Jack Cohen, one of the coolest biologists I know, about Love and altruism from a biological (but not reductionist) point of view.

And speaking of Jack, and items I’m digging out of my browser’s history, here’s an excellent article he wrote with Ian Stewart about chance and coincidence.


GURPS French skills is cute:

GURPS French skills is cute: skills you’ll never use because you don’t know what they mean (unlike Steve Jackson, who as a Texan gentleman knows that society mingling simply requires “Savoir Faire”).


Orion’s Arm is a shared

Orion’s Arm is a shared universe designed for fiction and gaming, I suppose, that tries to be hard SF space opera. It postultes that despite the arrival of the Singularity and the fact that the galaxy is now dominated by AIs, it’s still fun. Link from the Transhuman Space list.

General short

And I didn’t blog The

And I didn’t blog The Fairy Queene, or The Encyclopedia of the Celts?? A serious oversight.

General short

Did I blog the Oracle

Did I blog the Oracle of Bacon? I should have… it’s a site that finds out how close any actor is to having worked with Kevin Bacon. This is essential trivia, of course.