
Here’s a pretty interesting description

Here’s a pretty interesting description of an oil rig, used as an example in a technical writing tutorial.

I also found this terrific (but tiny) picture of a drilling platform on a frozen sea. It’s something called the Glomar Beaufort Sea I Concrete Island Drilling System in Alaska. Searching for that found an interesting press release (dated 1997) from GreenPeace about Arco’s Oil Exploration and Development Activities in the Arctic with some details about the platform. It’s part of an archived site about GreenPeace activities in the Arctic Frontier which includes diaries, press releases, writings as well as plenty of photos (a mobile drilling platform – the “Concrete Island” mentioned above, I guess, as well as boats, Arctic scenery and wildlife).

short Software and Programming is a good Windows is a good Windows scipting site, that uses Javascript a lot (I dug it out of my browser History at home).

Resources short

Protective Magic – Amulets and

Protective Magic – Amulets and Gems. Some pictures of actual old amulets. [TheFlangyNews News]


Tips for Frontier and Radio

Tips for Frontier and Radio Developers is useful not only for debugging Radio stuff, but also for web programming in general. The bit about hiding data and bugs is something I’ve done. I think it’s a result of all those C++ classes where they teach you to write endless get/set methods (at least my C++ course was like that, and I hated that bit).


CIA declassified documents is a

CIA declassified documents is a cool site, which shows you actual documents (it shows graphic files, not HTMLified versions), including censored paragraphs in black. You can look up weird stuff like ufos, or mundane stuff like Israel or Bosnia or Biological Warfare. I imagine it’s also a good source for props for Delta Green.