
Leonard Nimoy’s Nude Photography

Leonard Nimoy Photography is a site featuring Mr. Spock’s artistic nude photos. Of interest to the Jewish audience might be his Shekhina project, featuring a nude woman wearing Tefilin (phylacteries).

[ from, in particular here ]


Internet Forums and the Law

An article on Ynet describes a recent court case in Israel, a trial about defamation on an online forum. The judge showed considerable insight into the issues, ruling that the right for privacy does not extend to concealing someone’s online identity, and that internet sites should not be held to the same standards of accountability as newspapers with regards to libel. However, he did rule against a forum owner who posted bogus defamatory messages under another user’s nickname, and prevented that user from posting his protests that he did not post those messages.


MT 2.21

Updated to MovableType 2.21. Just posting this to test if pinging works (there’s a much more sophisticated feature called TrackBack, which allows peer-to-peer notification instead of just client-server, but it’s clearly non-trivial.

Just shows you that development of this is driven by techies. Instead of giving MT a real built-in search engine, they spend time doing bleeding-edge stuff.

Although since the other big new feature of this release is the option for a MySQL backend, perhaps they wanted to do that before they started on search.


Encyclopedia of Symbols is an online encyclopedia of Western signs and ideograms, searchable by graphic shape (closed or open, crossing or non-crossing lines) or words associated with the symbol. Very cool. Lots of alchemical and Christian symbols, obviously, but plenty of other stuff as well.
[ via bOING bOING ]


Goth Girl Galleries

An intriguing headshot of Rebecca Blood showed up in a Scripting News post about Dave receiving her book for review. The image, apparently found via Google (I assume from the link), tells us that Blood was
Gothic Babe of the Week on 15th of April 2001.

GBOTW gave me an interesting idea: I wanted photos to use as character images / “trumps” in my campaign (particularly, I tried to cast Pauline, my head NPC), and when I looked to celebrity look-alikes I found slim pickings (I made something with Lara Flynn Boyle, but the image selection sucks, and anyway she’s not exactly the type).

But goth models look promising. Here’s a site with lots of wonderful Goth photos (look at his previous galleries), and he’s also the guy who took all those photos of Rebecca Blood, who actually has a strong Pauline vibe to her, but doesn’t quite look the part – and the haircut is naff (although I had a character with a haircut like that in a Shadowrun game once).

I also found this Goth model directory while looking for more pictures of one of his models (who would be perfect except she’s dressed fancier than Pauline would be). It’s very hit and miss, but some nice images there. Also, there’s this photographer’s gallery.

Anyway, all those fetish clothing pictures …. to think I downloaded all the photos and screen-savers for “The Cell” and didn’t find a decent image for the wicked Buro scientist for 10,000 Bastards, because I stupidly fixated on a publicity shot of Jennifer Lopez in that film for the role.