
Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game

There’s a new Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game coming out, that seems to continue the trend of its two (unrelated) predecessors of innovative simplicity. This game is diceless; unlike the previous incarnation (TSR’s SAGA system), it doesn’t use cards either. The mechanic seems to be resource management, spending tokens (actual plastic chips they call “stones”) of effort to do things.

There’s a discussion on the Forge where the reaction seems to be much more optimistic than on the other gaming boards – instead of “ugh! no dice!” it’s “indie gaming is validated!”.


Cute Dead Guys

Looking for a likeness for your character in a new Victorian Roleplaying campaign? Well, he doesn’t need to have a face that will stop a clock or be an odd little fellow Now, you can take your pick from a selection of cute dead guys.


Color Harmony

EasyRGB – Color harmonies, complements and themes. – a tool for finding what colors complement any given color. Good for getting web page themes (or furniture).

Software and Programming


Where do a weblog’s entries live, when they’re not being poured into HTML templates? Movable Type lets you keep weblog entries in DBM files, MySQL or some other database; Radio keeps them in it’s own internal database; PHP -based blogging tools are naturally fixated on MySQL

I can use PHP on my server and I can use CGIs, but the man is leery of users mucking about in his MySQL database (and with good reason and after a few mishaps with DBM module incompatibilities, I’d really prefer to store my blog’s data in text files.

The most popular file-system-based weblogging tool I know is Blosxom , which runs as a CGI and renders a bunch of text files as a bunch of blog entries, sorted by date (using the file system’s date of modification) or by category (based on directories). It can also output RSS flavours, statically render the HTML (like Movable Type and Radio do), etc. It’s a cool, simple script that has been ported to both Python and PHP and while it’s been called ugly I actually think that it demonstrates very nicely the expressiveness of Perl and the Unix philosophy.

The main drawback I saw to it was the need to muck about with FTP to upload entries, as opposed to the simplicity of using a web based form (oh, and the fragility of depending on the file’s modification date for ordering the entries). And the reason I’m rambling about this is that I ran across something called PHPetal.

PHPetal is a PHP script for adding entries through a web-based form; Looking around, I also found a blosxom plug-in that does something similar.

And if I ever become serious about doing this, here’s
Mt2blosxom, a conversion script for moving Movable Type entires over to Blosxom.

Software and Programming

Mozilla Coolness, In Depth

Mozilla: Blogging’s Killer App tries to explain, at length, why Mozilla is cool. Summary: ad blocking and tabs. Again. However, whenever I get to do a little browsing with IE, I realize that those two reasons are reason enough.