
Alex Ross on Shadowrun

Alex Ross‘s early work for Shadowrun. Some of the more memorable pieces of art I remember from playing that game.

Oddities short

Technology For Country Folk

Technology For Country Folk.

Software and Programming

Upgrade Your Software To Read This Spam

Mark Pilgrim notes the official retiring of the Browser Upgrade campaign.

What caught my eye was his comment how the campaign got inadvertantly entangled with the problem of spam:

Scumbags were setting up web sites, spamming millions of people trying to sucker them into clicking through to said web sites, and then immediately redirecting them off-site to get them to upgrade their browser first before allowing them to be suckered.


Magnifying Glass

World’s Largest Magnifying Glass Reported Missing – a wicked flash entertainment. (link from comments on jwz‘s LiveJournal.


Charley’s War

Charley’s War is an in-depth look at a classic British (anti-)war comic which describes the Great War from the prespective of a naive working class soldier. Link via LinkMachineGo.

One horrifying thing described in Charley’s War was how shell-shocked soldiers were shot at dawn for “cowardice”.