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LiveJournal RSS Feeds now fatter

Yay! The Livejournal RSS feeds now include full entry text! Check it out with my Feed page, if you want.


More RPG Links

Wushu seems to be the latest in Daniel Pond’s series of Rules-lite, fast, cinematic RPG systems. The game itself costs 5$, but there’s a free demo version set in the world of the Matrix, with a sample adventure. Looks good.

I recall seeing another site for another cinematic, rules lite RPG, but I can’t find it now. I recall it had some nice articles and an amusing anecdote about a supervillain team called “The Humorals” (based on the classic four humors instead of the more conventional classic four elements). It’s not JAGS (unless they went through a big redesign) (Turns out I was thinking of QAGS by Hex Games. Damn name confusion.

Looking for it I came across John Kim’s excellent Free online RPG index, which seems to be updated regularly (games which were just mentioned recently on The Forge show up there) and pointed me at such intriguing RPG pages as Simon Washbourne’s , which includes games such as Lashings of Ginger Beer, Tales from The Wood, Barbarians of Lemuria and Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter (you play English kids, hedgehogs, barbarian warriors and vampire hunters, respectively). Simon also links to an UK RPG site called Realms.

Also on John’s free RPG site is an archived original (online) version of LEGACY: War of the Ages, the Vampire/Highlander style thingie. John’s index also points to versions of Highlander for Storyteller and D20.


Charlotte Rampling


Charlotte Rampling must haunt Chris Shy‘s dreams. What an amazing, eerie looking woman. There are photos on her fan site spanning 40 years, showing how her character emerges in the way she looks, changing from just another pretty face into this hypnotic creature, and that looks stays with her over the years. Beautiful woman, who did a lot of really crappy films. But that’s an actor’s lot, I guess.


Software and Programming

RSS reader directory

RSS Feed Reader / News Aggregators Directory ::
It is suprising to see how many different, yet similar looking Windows feed readers exist – has become writing a .NET feed reader the modern hello world application?

I think the reason for all those .NET feed readers is that one of the first examples to appear in the .NET/C# documentation shows how to set-up a 3-pane, Outlook-style windows application.


The Countess

The Countess read The Invisibles, The Countess visits the Doctor.