
Runes, Odin and Wotan worship

Ankou’s Page of Runes is an excellent source of information about Runes, and includes a mapping of the runes to the magic spells described by Odin in the Hávamál.

The site also describes some interesting variant Rune sets, including one by the Austrian racist mystic (and neo-pagan) Guido List, who claimed to have seen the “original” set of runes in a vision while blinded by cataract. The best pages about List seem to be in German, but some info appears in this dissertation about the roots of German national socialism, this distasteful rant about the ties between Homosexuality, Occultism and Nazism, and this article about Nazis and the Occult, which is part of a site that covers overall weirdness but has a special section on occult conspiracies and mystic societies.