Software and Programming

Plat goes Splat

Trying out Aggreg8, I discovered that Mark Pilgrim (or rather, his evil twin) has made his RSS feed particularly annoying for lowly aggregators that try to display HTML content in the feed’s description element

Trying out Aggreg8 (an RSS aggregator written in XUL, apparently as a school project), I discovered that Mark Pilgrim (or rather, his evil twin) has made his RSS feed particularly annoying for lowly aggregators that try to display HTML content in the feed’s description element. Aggregators like Aggreg8 and, oh, I don’t know… Radio, perhaps? Making true on this threat?

Here’s what Mark stuck in all his feed’s description elements:

<a href=""  
left:0; top:0; width:100%; height:100%;

1 reply on “Plat goes Splat”

Mark Pilgrim trained the attack platypus
The attack platypus described earlier was an intentional RSS exploit by Mark Pilgrim, an inventive demonstration that news aggregators which don’t filter HTML are open to abuse.

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