

Two random links from LinkMachineGo, really:

I’ve heard Ian Watson’s account of working with Stanley Kubrick, so there’s something not very surprising about how the remains of a lifetime of working like that might look, as described by this article: The Guardian – Citizen Kubrick

"OK," I say. "I understand how you might do this for Napoleon, but what about, say, The Shining?"

here," says Tony, "is just about every ghost book ever written, and
there’ll be a box containing photographs of the exteriors of maybe
every mountain hotel in the world."

There is a silence.

"Tony," I say, "can I look through the boxes?"

And elsewhere, Neil Gaiman posts Alan Moore’s obituary for Julius Schwartz:

He ruined my reputation as a gentle pacifist by claiming that I’d seized him by the throat and sworn to kill him if he didn’t let me write his final episodes of Superman, and how, now, am I supposed to contradict a classic Julius Schwartz yarn? So, all right: it’s true. I picked him up and shook him like a British nanny, and I hope wherever he is now, he’s satisfied by this shamefaced confession.


Abandoned Underground

Disused Stations on London’s Underground – Cool places for fight scenes! [ from boingboing ].

And since New York is a more common setting for fight scenes than London, here’s a huge site about the New York Subway.


Constantine and Twilight

The Ultimate HellBlazer Index is a site dedicated to tracking down all the appearences of John Constantine, the coolest comic character since Punisher Wolverine Batman. He’s cool with a "u" rather than with a "kew".

A link on that site points to a "definitive" site for Twilight, the legendary lost Alan Moore DC comics superhero crossover proposal, which links to the text of the proposal and features art drawn by past Alan Moore collaborators in the spirit of the series.


Quotable Resolution

A LiveJournal gem:

…And more than that — more than all that — it’s kicking out of my life everyone, everyone, everyone, to whom making me feel lousy is a bread-and-water kind of thing.

(Barring my mom.)

From Johnny‘s post Bigor 4 resolutions..

Software and Programming

Customizing sections of a Drupal site

Drupal stuff: customizing themes based on hostname, controlling where blocks (menus, sidebar items) appear, using the path module. I’m looking for ways to customize sections of a Drupal site, giving them their own context and look, in short making the whole thing more heirarchical and less flat.