Science Fiction and Fantasy

Tolkien on Science Fiction and Fantasy

An interview with Tolkien from 1966, originally published in New Worlds magazine, reprinted in 2001 at Fantastic Metropolis. Interesting for his opinions on Science Fiction – although I suspect that the interviewer, Daphne Castell, might perhaps have skewed the presentation of his views to make them more sympathetic, it does seems that Tolkien saw himself as part of the genre, and he contributes his “Hard Science Fiction” bit – talking about the science of linguisitics.
Oh, yeah, it’s also interesting for the bit about the cats of Queen Beruthiel, which reads like Tolkien demonstrating his myth-making process live to his interviewer.
The site also reprints Rani Graf’s interview with Ted Chiang (from Bli Panika!) And they have a two-part “Old Farts’ Fireside Chat” where Barrington J. Bayley and Michael Moorcock ramble and ruminate.