Science Fiction and Fantasy

Aragon vs. Sauron, man-to-man

From Amazon’s description of the extended Return of the King DVD:

and there’s a riveting storyboard/animatic sequence of the climactic scene, which includes a one-on-one battle between Aragorn and Sauron.

Yeah, I always thought that Lord of the Rings could be improved considerably by including a final fight scene in which Aragorn tests the mettle of Anduril against an appropriately evil-named mace wielded by the big burning eye. Like, you know, Luke crossing lightsabers with Vader in Return of the Jedi, which we waited to see since the first Star Wars (star fighter duels do not cut it).

(Over on the livejournal mirror of this post, I have fun with Shiffer’s proposed Aragorn / Vader match-up)