Comics Science Fiction and Fantasy

Dark He-Man

Marko Djurdjevic’s He-Man Redesign (via Uncle Bear) reimagines one of the silliest TV shows/Toy lines from the 80’s into something very dark and surprisingly cool. His Skeletor is a Marlyn Manson-ish “evil fag” (actually, he reminds me more of P. Craig Russell‘s take on Elric, but that just dates me), his Evil-Lyn is Not Work Safe (Frankenstein fetish full frontal), his supporting cast is really cool (all those funky helmets finally removed from the plastic bodybuilder standard molds and put onto bodies and costumes that make them look good).

Only the good guys (He-Man and Teela) come out ironically as rather ‘blah’. He-Man with a Kurt Cobain hairstyle and despondant attitude is, well, lame.