
Life and Things

Gosh. I see I only posted once in February. Possibly I was busy?

Well, I did get rid of 3 cats (Cecilia went to Miller; Sumsum went to the SPCA in Tel Aviv; Misty went to a couple that Aya found, bless her). And I moved apartment, to Tel Aviv. So yep, it was busy.

Also, work was hectic at the time, as I recall. Worked one day from noon until 3AM, which was odd fun.

The new apartment is smaller than the apartment in Hod HaSharon (2 rooms instead of 4), and cheaper (about 800 NIS less, or even more when you factor in municipal taxes and common maintainence (Vaad haBaeat)). It’s on Derech HaShalom 93, 2nd entrance; or Amishav 24, 3rd entrance. In both cases, it’s apartment no. 5, and even though the place is right on the border of Givatayim, it’s definately in Tel Aviv, as I discovered this morning when I got a parking ticket on Amishav.

Is this a good neighbourhood? Well, it’s got some basic shops and an ATM nearby, but so did the place in Hod HaSharon. Noise is part traffic or neighbours dragging their furniture about. The dust is different, whiter and more abundant. Otherwise, not too many things to indicate that I am in The Big City, really.

This Monday we found that someone put Fox catalogs on each doorstep in Aya’s building; Coming home on Tuesday I found that in my building, someone left me (and presumably everyone else) an orange plastic bag with anti-withdrawal pamphlets and parsley from Gush Katif.

Yep, it’s that kind of neighbourhood.