Blather long

Ask a simple question

I was planning to do this meme, because Belvane asked.

… however, I will do it on my own terms, and rather than give straight, simple answers, I will natter on and prevaricate. She should know me enough by now to expect that.
Five people I love who aren’t family:
Removing the obvious ones is totally cheating, I think, but someone’s already set the precedent. Leaving out kin, lovers and the handful of friends that make life endurable, and you wander into a vague list of nice people that you admire. Let’s see if I can make that more entertaining by going for the obscure picks.

  1. Nehama – best neighbour I’ve ever had.
  2. Ami Berenstein – my remarkably passionate high school biology teacher.
  3. Ophir – because I could hug him, bullshit with him about anything, and count on his awesome drive to make me do things I would never find the energy to do myself.
  4. Asi and Itay – each my best friend at a tender age, each still close to my heart.

Five things I can’t live without:
I’m supposed to go with a list of ideals that bare my emotional core, like “Love” or “Internet access”? Well, I think I’m pretty sure I can live without a whole lot of things I wouldn’t like to live without. But there are places where I draw the line.

  1. Modern western toilets – when I went through the army, I remember I told my brother I’d rather serve in armoured cavalry than in the artillery corps. Are you crazy? he said, you want to get burned up alive in a tank? Well, I answered, they have normal toilets in basic training.
    Nuff said.
  2. Escape – the ability to get away from reality, whether through messing with stories in my head or running the weekly RPG session. Need this.
  3. Putting down “Electricity” is cheating, right? So instead I’ll go with the most mundane indespensable and put down “hairbrush”.
  4. Last technology item: Car. Trumps cellphone, and probably even Internet. Getting places is apparently more important than communicating with the world.
  5. Oh heck. Love. Can live without it, but that’s life with no axis to center it.

Five foods/drinks I love:
If you skip family in loved ones, I really ought to skip chocolate, ice-cream, hummus and steaks here. So:

  1. Mangoes – yes they stink. But it’s a heavenly stink.
  2. Watermelon
  3. Water – the ultimate drink deserves its due.
  4. Schnitzel – because this list needs something fried and fatty to keep it honest. And meat trumps potatoes.
  5. Trifle!

Five things I always have with me:
Again, trying to dodge the obvious stuff (wallet, keys, cellphone):

  1. A few sheets of A4 paper folded together in half, printed on one side with a proof of some story for the Tenth Dimension, and with the other side scrawled with a few key words, notes from one RPG session or other. I usually have 2-3 of these.
  2. A pen, unless someone pinched it.
  3. The last two bills I paid.
  4. In the past year, I started carrying deodorant. And a book.
  5. The ring belongs on this list, even if it isn’t polite to mention.

Five things I will forever hate:

  1. Fundementalism, narrow-mindedness, and all that.
  2. Boss talks.
  3. Powerpoint attachments (most Office document formats have their horrors, but let’s pick one).
  4. The IRS. Evil bureaucracy in general, but I think the IRS is the scariest, even if there are more annoying examples.
  5. Being rushed.
  6. Being too quiet, being too loud, saying something that sets off an awkward silence, being a wimp, being a klutz, being angry, being violent, being dismissed. Being, in general.

Yes, I know that was six. I got on a roll.

Five people to be tagged:
Hasn’t everyone else already done this meme?