Blather Science Fiction and Fantasy

We’ll always have Jadis

Bo dragged me to see Narnia at 2AM this Friday. Throughout the movie I kept wondering if the image quality was somehow compromised, like those horribly low-res posters they have up, with Tilda Swinton in the polar bear drawn war chariot. I crave more pixels! Particularly if those pixels reflect the delectable sight of this movie’s White Witch. Tilda Swinton and Jadis queen of Narnia, two longtime crushes that go great together… I’ve adore both since I first encountered them, in Derek Jarman’s Caravaggio and C.S. Lewis’ The Magician’s Nephew respectively.
But this infatuation doesn’t blind me to the fact that the White Witch, that pagan goddess in a Christian mystery, is trapped here in a Pantomime. Or, as Shimon Adaf put it, a Festigal (which is the local equivalent).
At least there aren’t any songs.