
Daredevil crosses over

This article, The Boy Who Sees with Sound, is so Daredevil’s origin story that it hurts:

Israel picked out some quotes:

“I’ve seen him run full speed into the edge of a big brick column and get back up. He was fearless.”

“At times he was even able to come to the aid of people with normal sight.”

“I always told him, ‘Your name is Matthew Michael Murdock, and you can
do anything’ […] He can learn to fly an airplane if he wants to.”

But go on, there’s more. For example, the comic-book Daredevil’s (fairly recent, I think) obsessive attachment to his neighborhood (Hell’s Kitchen): Some professionals [..] worry that his near-complete reliance on echolocation could hurt him when he finds himself in unfamiliar settings.

Or the origin of the Billy Club:

“You go to school and you’re the only one with a stick, what’s the first thing some kid’s going to do? Break it in two,” he says. “And then where are you? You’re helpless.”

I can see the panel breakdowns for that.

2 replies on “Daredevil crosses over”

of course you realize that the “your name is Matthew Michael Murdock” should be replaced with the boy’s real name which is Underwood, right?

Bo – of course you realize that Israel switched the Boy’s real name with Daredevil’s “secret identity”, to show how all the text of the article fits.

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