
Dirt on your Journal

I noticed today that LiveJournal has joined the dark side, and has splattered those annoying snap preview pop-ups all over its site.

If you have a LiveJournal account, you can turn off this off for your entries and your friends page – in the menu, go to Journal > Settings and you’ll get to a page titled Viewing Options. Uncheck the option called Graphic previews to end this madness and make your journal fit for humane consumption. I’d consume your RSS and not bother you, but sometimes you post locked entries.

I hope LJ turn this off soon – I guess they made it on by default just to bring this feature to people’s attention. At least I hope so – I shudder to think people are actually clamoring for this travesty.

Update: A discussion of the Snap previews on the lj_no_ads community, where Anil Dash from SixApart writes Regular people on the web *love* Snap previews. [via Simon Willison]