
Watchmen Comic-Con Posters

Posters for the Watchmen movie that were used in Comic-Con have been uploaded to the movie’s site. Go look at them, they’re pretty.

Posters for the Watchmen movie that were used in Comic-Con have been uploaded to the movie’s site. Go look at them, they’re pretty.

What’s most striking about these is that most of them are meticulous recreations of the original Watchmen teaser ads that ran in the comics before the original comic series first ran. I’m not sure if those teasers appeared elsewhere since the 80s (presumably they might have been included in assorted complete editions as extras), but they’re certainly not iconic images to the casual comic reader. This is fan-service directed at the hardcore, which I guess is expected for Comic-Con, but it’s also consistent with every other bit of publicity I’ve seen so far. Zack Snyder and co. are making every effort to convince fans that this movie is going to be the unadulterated graphic novel put on film, as lavishly as 300 ever was. This message is clear even in their mass-market publicity.

To quote the X-Files slogan, I want to believe…

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