BlogTalk short Software and Programming

Oooh, PictPress…

PictPress adds Gallery-style functionality to WordPress. Or something. Since Corky already has Gallery, this is worth looking into.

BlogTalk Software and Programming

Feeds and LiveJournal

OK, since I switched to WordPress, I don’t have control over how my syndication feeds are formated. This means that the RSS 1.0 (RDF) feed, which is syndicated by Livejournal, doesn’t have full entry texts in the description element (WordPress puts the full text in a different element, but LJ ignores it).
So, since I can’t change the URL that Livejournal syndicates, I’m redirecting it to a different feed, hopefully one that Livejournal is better at parsing. I’m trying the Atom feed first. This is annoying, because the file name is “index.rdf”, but what can you do…

BlogTalk Software and Programming

Blog software changed

One reason why I’ve been a bit quiet on this blog is that I’ve been playing around with WordPress, and today I did the switch.

Mind the mess.

One reason I switched (from Movable Type) is because it’s apparently the current thing to do, and another is that this way I work with the way corky is set up, rather than against it (PHP is configured to just work, Perl CGIs require hassling Bo and jumping through some other hoops). A third reason is that the switch is damn easy (simple set-up, simple import – of entries and comments, simple modifying the templates) – at least the proverbial first 80% of the change. The other 20%, as expected, takes the remaining 80% of time (rss feeds, php scripts and links).
This has probably caused broken links, broken pages, and weirdly-formatted entries.

I spent a bit of time looking into ways of fixing all my old permanent links, but googling for pages that this would break, I found that the few links to my blog were already broken by an earlier change I made to my Movable Type configuration (they were to the old-style archives, which were per day rather than per individual entry).

Commentators (I, I mean U) might be pleased to note that this change has replaced the “not-quite-WYSIWYG” editor with a simple text one (it does respects line breaks, though. And it’s very finicky about the HTML tags you can use).

BlogTalk short

International Superheroes

International Superheroes describes lots of heroes from around the world. Apparently thanks to Eli Eshed, Israel is also well represented.


My Own LJ

Shiffer had Livejournal codes to spare, so he’s given me an LJ user: themoniker. This in addition to my syndicated non-user (dotandimet).

Now, I’m looking for something to mirror my posts here to there. The solution I turned up seems pretty esoteric, so I’ll keep looking for something simpler…