Science Fiction and Fantasy

Charles Sheffield

Charles Sheffield Dies at 67; Physicist, Sci-Fi Author (

Charles Sheffield‘s site is worth visiting, and contains a good bibliography and some nice bits of autobiography:

…I hated what I was finding; and after a while I had the dangerous thought, “You know, I could probably write something as bad as this myself.”

I tried. And soon I learned that I could not only produce something as bad as what I was reading, I could write something a good deal worse.

Science Fiction and Fantasy

Time Machines and Superworms

Charles Stross summarizes an article about Computing with Time Machines. He also has some interesting comments about Curious Yellow (probably a better link to follow then the one I gave before, to the original article).

Science Fiction and Fantasy

Feedback on Meimad #16

Comments on the ORT SF Forum about the last issue of the Meimad (“The Tenth Dimension”), the SF&F magazine I edit.

Science Fiction and Fantasy

Renee reports from WorldCon

Renee describes her experiences in WorldCon, such as hearing depressing tips for writing successful fantasy and talking linguistics with CJ Cherryh.

Science Fiction and Fantasy

Gene Wolfe on Tolkien

Ziv Caspi is an Israeli geek (techie who plays D&D = my sort of people) who has a Radio weblog., where I found a link to this essay by Gene Wolfe on J.R.R. Tolkien.