Science Fiction and Fantasy

Geffen Award

Here are some historic images of the original design for the Geffen award, made for ICon 99, never actually seen on a website, I think. I’m putting them online for Nir, but mostly for my own amusement.

All drawings by Suzie Russek-Osherov. The final design was suggested by me (I sketched it out, but I lost that sketch). The links below open in popup windows:

Geffen Award Image

The first draft of that design.

An earlier, different design Suzie made, combining elements I suggested (dragon, cat, space, grapes that are actually planets, and a quill – it’s a book award).

Science Fiction and Fantasy

The Prime Directive

Taken from a google caching of this site, which appears to be down:


General Order 1: The Prime Directive

As the right of each sentient species to live in accordance with its normal cultural evolution is considered sacred, no Starfleet personnel may interfere with the normal and healthy development of alien life and culture. Such interference includes introducing superior knowledge, strength, or technology to a world whose society is incapable of handling such advantages wisely. Starfleet personnel may not violate this Prime Directive, even to save their lives and/or their ship, unless they are acting to right an earlier violation or an accidental contamination of said culture. This directive takes precedence over any and all other considerations, and carries with it the highest moral obligation.

Science Fiction and Fantasy

John Brunner

I’m just writing an introduction to the story “The Dead Man” by John Brunner, a pastiche of Jorge Luis Borges. Looking it up, I learn that John Kilian Houston Brunner died on 25 August 1995. His wife Marjorie died in 1986, the same year as Borges.

The 25th of August is my Birthday.

Science Fiction and Fantasy

The Wonderful Locus Index

Did I ever blog The Locus Index to Science Fiction Awards? Because it’s a wonderful resource. Especially when you’re wondering, for example What awards the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction ever won? (which I am, because we bought Israeli reprint rights for F&SF for the Tenth Dimension.

Science Fiction and Fantasy

Eärendil the Mariner

The entry for Eärendil the Mariner at the Encyclopedia of Arda, a big Middle Earth site.

Eärendil was half-elf, half-mortal, and he sought to sail to the Undying Lands to beg the gods for help against Morgath (the dark lord). He eventually succeeded, but only after his wife Elwing brought him the Silmaril, by flying to him in the form of a white bird.
He now sails the high airs with the Silmaril upon his brow, shining as the morning and evening star.
Tolkien purists stop reading here: It seems to me that Eärendil’s story is an excellent basis to build a Middle Earth/Star Trek (or maybe Star Wars? the mix might work better – or not) crossover game; He’s literally a mortal travelling in a flying ship to the distant world of the gods, using god-technology (what else would you call a Silmaril?) to signal them. The “War of Wrath” in which the Valar come to rescue their Elvish followers and kick Morgath’s butt (sorry) is a classic assault by an unimaginably advanced technological superpower.