
Fogi reminds me to mention

Fogi reminds me to mention Offline, the web comic about, umm, the web. I liked the Spidey cartoon I found on Webreview, although Fogi likes one about a cat getting e-mail from a dog. Haven’t dug through them yet – need the fast connection at work for that.

Blather BlogTalk

Blog Mitzva!

Fogi kindly mailed me 2 days ago with a link to the oldest post on this blog, reminding me that today is my Blog Mitzva: 13 years since I started posting stuff to the internet using a blog-type thing. Reviewing the old posts tracks my convoluted route through assorted obscure publishing technologies, starting with Dave […]

Blather Roleplaying


I did a stealth upgrade of the forums early Saturday morning, from a creaky old patched and hacked phorum 3 install, that had been modified by various hands, including Bo, Fogi and Hershko, and which still used visual Hebrew, to a nearly-new Phorum 5 version, with bells, whistles, RSS feeds and search that works. […]


The Loudness

On Saturday night, the annoying loud music in a restaurant prompted me to mention something I’d read on the internet about how there’s this trend in modern music to mix the recordings so that they’re too loud and grating to listen to. Now, I didn’t remember what I’d read well enough to explain it properly, […]

General short

A plan for a book

A plan for a book about freeform roleplaying, aimed at begining and advanced gamers, to be written as a collaboration (Hebrew). I put this link up at Fogi’s suggestion.