General short

Harry Potter Lexicon, which includes

Harry Potter Lexicon, which includes some timelines that should be of interest…

Software and Programming

It would be cool if

It would be cool if you could use Javascript and the DOM to sort tables in the browser, wouldn’t it? Looking for something like that, I found this article about manipulating tables with the DOM and linked from it, this very cool Japanese page demonstrating DOM-based Dynamic HTML.

Hmm, I wonder if the text I use as a link affects how the URL is rated by smart search engines like Google. Does linking that last page using words like “DOM” and “Dynamic HTML” help its ratings (and ultimately make it easier to find for people to whom it would be useful) more than if I’d linked it as “Cool Japanese page”?


Who owns the rights to

Who owns the rights to the work of various SF authors (some deceased?) Who do you ask permission of for reprints and translations? The SFWA has a list of contacts for various literary estates.
Mostly big New York agents… which isn’t too surprising.

Science Fiction and Fantasy

An Interview with China Miéville.

An Interview with China Miéville. Link taken from his unofficial home page. Also, a fan site from the Netherlands.


Today’s dish: Voodoo Eleggua (Legba)

Today’s dish: Voodoo

  • Eleggua (Legba) and all his different associations.
  • Short article covering the basics, also found on the writer’s home page.
  • An adaptation of Voodoo to the In Nomine RPG (there’s also an adaptation to Shadowrun, but the In Nomine article focuses on the Loa, specifically the division between Rada and Petro aspects, which he predictably aligns along In Nomine’s good/evil axis). Interesting contrast to GURPS: Voodoo (he gets some things a bit differently).
  • The home page of Mambo Racine, a (white) intiate of Vodou, who gives lots of information, uses alternate spelling, and sorts out the 3 Voodoo pantheons (Rada, Petro and the Ghedes).