Roleplaying short

Dungeon Majesty

Dungeon Majesty (Quicktime at the link) is a cable TV show where four women play D&D. Awesome garage TV.


LARPers and Shroomers

Larpers and Shroomers: The Language Report, by Susie Dent covers all aspects of contemporary English as an evolving and mutating language. As a gimmick, it selects a single word born in each year of the 20th century and the opening years of the 21st.
The selection for 2004 is the disappointing Chav, apparently some form of variation on חובת”ים (specifically, loutish young people exhibiting council estate chic).
For a spot of fun, the BBC is running a short story contest in which you’re supposed to use all the 101 words in the list.
And the only reason I post this, is that the book’s title describes two of the hobbies of a sizable portion of my readership…

Science Fiction and Fantasy

Neal Stephanson at Slashdot

Neal Stephanson interviewed at Slashdot. Where we learn that he’s been reading Etgar Keret, and that he can wax elequently about the difference between commercial and literary writers, and perhaps most importantly, his answer to In a fight between you and William Gibson, who would win?
(via Bruce Sterling)

Science Fiction and Fantasy


Didi is Poling Israeli fans to hurry up and sign-up to Interaction, the World Science Fiction convention that’s being held at Glasgow during the begining of August. Register now, while there are still decent hotel rooms available and before the rates go up (in December).


Made of Meat

Jamie Zawinski () blogs a Wired article about a project by Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr (don’t those names sound totally Israeli?) at the Tissue Culture & Art Project to make a (mouse-sized) artificial leather jacket out of a (mouse-derived) tissue culture cell line ("victimless leather").
In the comments, talk turns naturally to "victimless meat", with links to "Animal 57", the TCA’s own "Disembodied Cuisine" and the New Scientist article that I blogged last January, titled Lab-grown steaks nearing the menu.
I can’t believe that when I blogged that I missed quoting the immortal line Herman Vandenburgh of Brown University has proposed a regime for the physical conditioning of sedentary steaks.