
DungeonMaster in the Hereafter

Gary Gygax, co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons (with Dave Arenson) has passed away, aged 69. Gary’s loquacious and baroque exhibition of grognard erudition was a big part of the charm and appeal of 1st Edition AD&D (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons), and puzzling through his Dungeon Master’s Guide, in particular, was a source of much solitary enjoyment for me (not that kind of solitary enjoyment – this isn’t the Monster’s Manual I’m talking about here). But more than that, of course, the game he made provided me with many hours of fun with my best friends. Without D&D, I think I would have missed out on many of the best friendships in my life.

There are two DMs in heaven, now.

Feeble wit about God drawing up his first character sheet now that Gary is there to run a game is redacted but, yeah.