
I’ve got an old PC

I’ve got an old PC lying around unused, because it can’t boot (it had NT as its only OS, and that was damaged when a technician hooked the disk to Windows 2000 to siphon data from its hard drive to a newer machine… long story).

Anyway, this morning I bought a new CD drive (did I mention it also doesn’t have a working CD drive?), installed it, and I found myself in a bit of a quandrary – now to start the Windows 95/98 set-up without an OS to run my CD?

Windows (95, much more than NT/2000) is awful to install. It depends on DOS – there’s no easy way to make a start disk, unless you have a Windows 95 machine around.

Luckily, I did have such a machine, and I even noticed the fact after wracking my brains and reading about. And then, using a nice program from, I also had a working CD driver in DOS.

I really should save that bootdisk image somewhere.