
How To: Migrate back to

How To: Migrate back to Radio 7

A brief description of how I downgraded my weblogging experience

First, you need to have Radio 7. I don’t think that Userland have the file on their download section anymore, but I still have a copy of the install file. Anyway, you need to install it somewhere, preferably without overwritting the existing installation. I put it in a folder called “Radio UserLand 7”.

Next, copy webLogData.root from the “Data Files” directory in your Radio 8 folder to the “Tools” directory of your Radio 7 installation folder.

Launch Radio 7, completing the installation if neccessary. From the Window menu, select webLogData.root and open it. Then, select myUserLandData.root and open that too.

Copy your posts from webLogData.posts to myUserLandData.blogs.default.posts. Set myUserLandData.blogs.default.nextPostNum to be one higher than the number of your last post (or you’ll overwrite your old posts)

Copy/Paste and convert your templates. Somehow.