
Instead of buying Radio 8,

Instead of buying Radio 8, I’ve gone and bought a license for TextPad. Why? Because it’s an excellent piece of software, I use it everywhere and all the time (it’s my text editor of choice on Windows), and it’s a fully-functional evaluation version, which means that except for an occassional nag screen, there’s no difference between the shareware version and the fully-license version.

Umm. So there’s actually not much difference to using it licensed. Gee. I must be a sucker.

But it’s the principal of the thing. TextPad is user-friendly shareware, reasonably-priced, useful, flexible, stable and bug-free (I’ve only managed to lock it up once, and that may have been a Windows issue more than anything). That makes it more worthy of my respect, IMHO, and therefore I should pay for that before paying for anything else.