Software and Programming

Petal, Perl, Templates.

An announcement on use perl about petal, an perl clone of the elegant Zope/Python templating system called TAL, prompted several commentators to mention this article about choosing a templating system for perl web apps (which leans heavily towards mod_perl, obviously).


Transhuman Space and Urbis

Log of the latest Pyramid Chat (10/21/02) with David Pulver and the Transhuman Space developers.

Urbis, a fantasy world proposal submitted by THS stalwart Jurgen Hubert to Wizards’ new D&D world contest.



Out in the forest, something stirs

Economist, Oct 17th 2002 :A species of ape unrecognised by science may exist in the Congo.

Mr Amman’s expeditions … have not seen a live ape. But they have found a lot of ground nests.. Faeces in the area resemble those of gorillas… As if to clinch it, Mr Amman has also found another crested skull lying around.

Some of the nests, however, have hairs in them. And hairs contain DNA. That yielded a surprise. The DNA looks like that of a chimpanzee, not a gorilla… What Mr Amman seems to have found is a chimpanzee that behaves like a gorilla.

Local hunters’ reports point to something unusual, too… Several enormous chimp footprints seem to confirm the hunters’ reports of an out-sized chimp.

Reminds me of all those Super Gorillas (like the infamous Grodd) they were so fond of in DC comics, which really looked a lot more like chimps than gorillas.

Software and Programming

Mozblog 6.6

This is a test of mozblog 6 (6.6 actually). The UI looks much cooler, but I get a problem when I hit “synchronize”.

Some poking around later – there are some problems in the JS code – a variable with wrong case – and also a problem with getting the category listings from MT – I don’t know if the problem is with mozblog or with Movable Type. Also, Movable Type’s web interface hates entries without a title (which you can create if you post with mozblog, apparently, if not with the web interface.

Still, it’s so cool (and the potential of messing around in its innards to find and fix bugs is so enticing), that I re-installed mozilla at work (I had gone over to Netscape 7.0, which works fine, except for a few oddities – you need an AOL/Netscape screenname before it lets you connect to ICQ, for example – and some missing “adbusting” features you get in Mozilla).

Software and Programming

Mozilla 1.2b

Mozilla 1.2b has been released. According to the What’s New section of the release notes, the most interesting new feature is probably mail filtering on existing mail:

Mozilla Mail includes a new “filter after the fact” capability so users can create a filter and then run that filter on already downloaded mail. Filter logging has also been implemented.

Not in the release notes is that all your old themes and add-ons (mozblog, composite) won’t work – you’re restricted to using the Classic theme, which makes you feel like you’re back in 4.7xxx again.

Oh, and I can’t edit mail.

Seems like I’m going to roll this one back… although maybe I want to run those mail filters first.