Software and Programming

Mozilla Tinkering Links

Asa Dotler posts a list of cool Mozilla-tinkering links, including adding editing buttons to Movable Type in Mozilla and these interesting bookmarklets. I hadn’t considered that you can use the DOM to graft arbitrary Javascript source files onto a web page; I thought it would be blocked for security reasons.

Software and Programming

Hyatt on CSS limitations

Dave Hyatt, designer of XUL, responds to Dave Winer and jwz’s rants about CSS, and his points are relevant to any discussion of the future of HTML and CSS:

…while I love CSS and prefer designing my pages using CSS, I completely agree with Dave and Jamie.

Web geeks like to write huge articles about how they took crappy building blocks and made something cool and clever, but so frickin’ what? Points to you, buddy, you managed to mold some crappy clay into the shape of Michelangelo’s David, but it’s still just crappy clay.

The simple truth that is obvious to anyone coming at this with no prior experience is that there are fundamental building blocks that are completely missing from CSS and HTML.

See also a clarification a few posts later.


Die Hard, In the Matrix

Dan Bayn has a new article about roleplaying in the Matrix (using his Wushu rules), as well as a new adventure (Die Hard, in The Matrix). If you liked Feng Shui but noticed the rules don’t really work, or if you just like the Matrix or cinematic roleplaying, check it out.


Madam Tetrachromat, Mutant Supersense

Looking for Madam Tetrachromat: There have been very few attempts to find Madam Tetrachromat. The one that turned up Mrs. M in England, in 1993, was led by Gabriele Jordan, then at Cambridge University and now at the University of Newcastle. She tested the color perception of 14 women who each had at least one son with a specific type of color blindness. She looked at those women because genetics implies that the mothers of color-blind boys may have genetic peculiarities of their own. Among that somewhat peculiar group of women, one could expect to find the odd tetrachromat.

Science Fiction and Fantasy short


A site about Noah’s Ark on Mt. Ararat. A sort of companion to reading Tim Powers’ Declare. Less luck looking up kim Philby.