
Islamic Sects

A Brief Guide to Islamic Sects gives a moslem prespective on some of the more exotic Islamic heresies, such as the Yazdis:

The ‘Peacock Angel’ is their symbol for a fallen angel Malik Taus, who is their euphemism for evil or the devil, who they fear and seek to appease. According them evil is part of divinity as is good. The Peacock Angel is used in their festivals where they carry out strange and very secret rituals. They also believe that evil is found in lettuce, and are very careful around lettuces.

Other sects mentioned include Hafez Assad’s Alawis and the Druze, who are reviled for being members of the "ZOF" (Zionist Occupation Force). Yep, when this site says "fair and balanced", it uses the term in the FOX news sense. Except that the bias is Sunni Moslem.